Friday, April 11, 2008

We Love Gwamama!

Also taken the day before Baby Sister was scheduled to arrive.
Brody absolutely adores his Grandmama and the feeling is totally mutual, I assure you. The woman has a never-ending pool of love for this little boy. It makes my heart so happy to see them interact. To watch his face when he thinks Grandmama is being silly or funny or "tricken me". I love to watch her spoil him rotten. Even tho it always takes a couple of days to 'detox' Brody from the spoilification - it's totally worth it to have him spend time with her.

Mom was amazing while we were in the hospital. She stayed home alone with Brody for three nights while Kevin stayed with me and Baby Sister. She did a wonderful job of making Brody feel safe and secure. He only asked for us a few times but never in a freaked out sort of way. More just out of curiosity. She and he played all morning - crafting, racing cars, playing in his room (his most favorite thing to do ever) or outside. At noon she and Brody would come up to the hospital for lunch and visiting and then Daddy would take Bubba home for nap and so he could get in a couple of hours of work. Mom would stay with me and Baby Sister for some good times of fellowship and goo-gooing over the baby. In the evening Brody and Daddy would return to the hospital after a trip to the park or wherever and Mom would take him home for bedtime routine. I couldn't have asked for a better scenario. I missed Brody terribly while I was in the hospital but I knew without a shadow of a doubt that he was being well taken care of and that he was enjoying quality time with his "Gwanmama".

Thanks Mom for being the best mom and an amazing Grandma. These kids don't even know how blessed they are!! I wouldn't have wanted to do this without you. Wish we had more time together. But until we live closer to each other...there's always Skype! Posted by Picasa


Tessa said...

Yes, but there is also moving home...T

Tessa said...

Also, I love that woman!!!!Tessa

Tessa said...

also, who comes up with the words for the word verification at the bottom of the leave a comment page.....they are not words at all...have you ever heard of pkqolwnv? Me either!

Andy said...

your mom is a pretty woman

Anonymous said...

One of my favorite times was first thing in the morning when he would "whisper" in a loud, raspy, little voice, "Gwamamaaaa?!!! You awake??" He is a fun, little man!!! - Grandmama

Tessa said...

hey, check out this blog I love her stripes and polka dots. Isn't it cute!